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It was not in my itinerary but as soon as other backpackers showed me some pics I said: "I must go there!".

One of the most beautiful place I've ever seen in my life, it is a rare peaceful place in India. In here I discovered the "Sikhism", the religion of the warriors: Men and women always wear a small knife and for all their life they don't cut any hair of their body. Great people who feed and offer a bed to everyone who needs. I stayed with them, inside the temple for 3 days; I helped them, I meditated, and I talked with them a lot. this experience definitely enriched me. I thank all those who answered to my thousand questions on this "new" and fascinating religion.

The Golden Temple

The temple stands in the middle of the "pool of nectar" (Amrit Sarovar) and is surrounded by white marble complex with beautiful clock towers. Pilgrims come here from all around the world to bath at the edges of the sacred waters at least one in their life.

Helping warrior ladies to make chapati

With the permission of the guardians of the Temple I could go into the water.

Swam in the holy water... Big honour for me

Swam in the Holy Water... Big honour for me

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