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Sssoooo, my first day in Mumbai seemed to be really 'exciting' not just for me...

6 o'clock in the morning, as I checked in to the cheapest dormitory in the city, the "Salvation Army hostel" (literally the purgatory on the earth), I opened the door and the scenery was exactly this one:

•zoom it please•

I would entitled this pic: "YING and YANG" because if you zoom on the first man who is meditating on the bed you will see the "Ying" and if you zoom on the other man laying on the upper bed you will see....

Safety first guys! Mumbai workers at work.

Beach in front at Marine Drive.

....and a beach in the slam area, that child was going to the "toilet".

This is a laundry in the slum, they use handwash only. With their hands they wash to clean clothes, linen, bedclothes, underwear, blankets from all around the city.

And suddenly walking in the city centre, I met this taxi driver, THE TAXI DRIVER who never leave his car neither for sleeping, he just sleeps on it.

If you don't hang out from a train you won't be accepted by the locals

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