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AUROVILLE: the experimental town

After a very intense journey, I finally reached Pondicherry.

Not so far from this ex french colony there is the reason why I'm here: AUROVILLE!

An utopic social experiment aimed to realize the human unity. It's citizens, the Aurovillians, live in peace and harmony, seeking for inner peace. The symbol of this New Age place is with no doubt the "Matrimandir", an impressive golden sphere where people can meditate.

Although it reminds me (I'm sorry for the Aurovillians) a huge golf ball, when I entered inside I felt like on a spaceship from "Star trek".

After having wore a white pair of socks I entered inside the sphere in perfect silence to reach the inner room. Only there we sat down around a crystal ball and we meditated for a while.

Even though I'm still very bad in meditating, I felt I experienced something very special, something that I won't forget for the rest of my life!

The cameras were not allowed inside so "Google images" can be more than enough for this time:


Inner room

I don't know if it ever happened to you but when I entered in this room, everything was so far from my reality that I wasn't sure if it was really happening or I was making all up in my mind.

I feel I should go back there to check because I still have some doubt.

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