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"SADHANA FOREST": the time I lived in the forest

Once in Auroville I had to choose which Community I wanted to join as a volunteer.

It was a very easy decision: "Sadhana Forest"!

A unique community committed to save the forest. Here people from all around the world come to join the mission and living in harmony with nature.

I will spend 2 weeks deep in the forest, living in huts, planting trees and committing to the Sadhana daily life: do community shifts, cooking and eating vegan food, using biodegradable products and solar energy.

I officially start 2 challenges:

- do a volunteer job

- be vegan for 1 month

The main hut

This is the main hut where everyday we eat, we relax, we discuss altogether like a real huge family.

We are around 100 guys coming from all around the world with who I feel a unique connection.

Recycling hut

The few we waste we collect it to recycle.

Outdoor toilet

As I said, nothing is waisted..NOTHING! Our poo and our pee are collected to become nourishment for the soil.

And this was my way to take a shower: HIPPOPOTAMUS STYLE

Of course the soap was biodegradable

Solar panels

Here I am with Ben checking the position of the solar panel.

I getting more and more interested in sustainable energies; I think I will start to study it by myself, I feel it's something I could enjoy working on.

Every morning at 6, two volunteers (luckily the most skilled) woke us up singing a song and playing with the guitar, sweet songs.

I never had a better alarm than Hillary (a volunteer from USA), singing "somewhere over the rainbow" with Akhil(a volunteer from India) at the guitar.

Soon after that we went to the forest to plant trees!

Rescue Forest TEAM

Here is the official video of how we plant trees:

Cooking shift

Guys...Italy always rules in the kitchen!

Vegan meals

As long as I will be in the forest it won't be hard being vegan, but once out, complete my vegan month will be a real challenge!

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