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Cambodia is the next stop! A very quick visit of about one week in the main cities of the "Kindom of Cambodia", this is the official name.

Night buses are always a good way to not lose one day and to save money for an accomodation but it`s not always an easy life.

In this picture the problem was a super stinky dry fish mixed with farm animals alive in the luggage space, but few hours after this shot things went wrong for real. The bus crushed with a motorbike killing a guy and the bus driver run away....

Sad story but finally we reached Phnom Pen, the capital city.

Cambodia is one of the poorest country in Southern East Asia and it reminded me India: same pungent smell and ALMOST same dirt.

The most famous sight in Phnom Peng are the killing fields, internment camps where the Communist Khmer Rouge led by a mental man called Pol Pot, killed around 3 million people (on a population of 8 million!!!!) from 1975 till 1979 with the purpose of bringing back the country to a rural state.

There were so many buried bodies that still now you can see piece of bones on the ground....

I just took this picture to remind me what I found out this day.

Last night in the capital would have been very happy with the infamouse "happy pizza" but for me it was really really unhappy. Only my fellows Ann and Jesse know what I mean....


One day in Phon Peng was enough for us and moreover any backpackers we met, suggested us to go to the island of Koh Rong because there was the best white sand beach ever.

OK then, Let`s go!!!!!

Trekking to reach the "White beach"

Guys, so far I was always disappointed by the beaches where I went, always high expectation made by the pictures online and in the reality there weren`t even close at those pictures, but this time....guys, this the the reality was better then the pictures!!!!!!!!

No doubt is the best beach I`ve ever seen in my life and it`s also uninhabitated, far from the turistic centre of the island.

Not only Koh Rong was an unforeseen paradise, I also had the pleasure to hug again my german buddies met in Bangkok for another party, this time in Cambodia.

Who knows if I`ll meet them again, the world is rounded after all!

Basic italian gestures lesson

Jesse and I with our favourite whisky: "Mekong Whisky" = gasoline

Time runs especially when you have good time but we have an itinerary to follow and the next stop is Siem Riep. This is maybe the most famouse city in Cambodia, thanks to another so-called "8th wander of the world": Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world!

In my opinion it deserves this title a bit more than Halong Bay because I experienced such a "lost in time" feeling only in Rome.

When you enter in this complex of astonishing temples you feel like going back in the history but then you look at your camera and at your american friend with a baseball jersey and you realize you are just a normal turist with a retarded friend.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ANGKOR WAT:

Multitude of serene and massive stone faces. Astonishing!

I was so fascinated by these tree roots who look like they are eating the bricks of the temples.

Here, the movie "Tomb Raider" was shot in 2001

And then these two poor, wretched monks met me, a stupid turist who didn`t know you cannot touch a monk because you are impure and they are trying to live a pure life.

When I saw them I hugged them to take a picture! Only later a friend told me that because of this they would have prayed a week to purified themselves again............ ops.

Cambodian snack: tender warms and crunchy crickets!

The cricket was ok, the warm.....let`s say not the food I would choose for my "last meal"!


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