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If I have to be honest, before choosing to pass through Laos to reach Vietnam, I didn`t know where it was geographically and I didn` have any clue which was the capital.

Well, if don`t be able to locate it in a world map was a bit bad (now I swear I can do it), don`t know that the capital is "Vientiane" I`m sure doesn`t affect anyone.

If your first stop in Laos is Vientiane, maybe you could be discouraged; it is not ugly, it`s just ...the cosmic nothing! Anyways I found new good fellows with who share my journeys. I feel really lucky, so far I`m meeting great buddies.

Does maybe backpackers are better people? ;P


The only sight in this city and it is not even finished!


FInally! This is the Laos I expected! Astonishing scenaries and wonderful landscapes!

Vang Vien downtown

Until few years ago people from all around the world ended up here to enjoy wild and uncontrolled parties but too many turists died every year, therefore the Lao governement took the decision to close almost all the turistic structures.

I found a city marked by this inconsiderate turism but still some turistic business are going on, like the infamous: "Tubing". Basically it consists in floating on a river with a inner tube of a trunk following the flow of the water sourranded by emerald mountains and bars here and there.

....I have to admit it`s lots of fun!

They grill ANYTHING and if I tell you means anything!

Before leaving Vang Vien I learnt a little trick that another guy with long hair learnt looooong time ago!


Ex french colony, This is the most famous city in Laos for its wonderful temples and its luxurious natural sights.

For sure my favourite one!

The most beautiful waterfall I have even seen: Kuang Si Falls.

Still now I have the doubt they were artificial because of their perfection.

Elephant centre

Bear Rescue Centre

Lao rural village

Usually I`m not touched by baby sellers but this was impossible, they were the cutest!


Here we are smiling because we don`t know we are going to get lost in the forest yet!


Finally rescued by a fisherman boat

Oooh healthy food!! Fresh sqirrels and grilled bats!

Tham Phu Kham Cave

Julien, Marion, the golden by and I


Phonsavan is a curious town, here too there is nothing except for these mysterious jars spread all around. We still don`t know what was their meaning and which was their use but it was interesting to listen all the legends on them.

Kong, the owner of our guesthouse, was the best guide ever! He showed us the real Laos!

If you go to visit Phonsavan I suggest you to stay in his guesthouse:

"Kong Keo Guesthouse"!

We visited a village and he brought air ballons to all the children. They were so cheerful!

A blonde asian baby!!!

Natural Hot spring

Simply amazing! Our Guide Kong brought us in a local hot spring known only by Lao people. They looked at us with curiosity; some of them wanted to touch my beard! :)

Magic mug

But Laos wasn`t only wild nature. I found out something that shocked me. During the Vietnam war Laos was the most bombed country because americans thought they were collaborating with viet congs soldiers.

Have a look at the facts stated on this poster:

It`s so much that it`s difficult to believe.

The war is finished long time ago but 30 % of those bomb are still unexploded and people keep dying.

It will take 100 years more to find and detonate all the bombs.

....It`s crazy....

Meanwhile Lao people use the bomb shells for everything. There are so many of them that they produce fornitures, cutlers and many other things with the same steel it kills them.

A bomb shell used for growing up vegetables


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