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Landed in Kuala Lumpur I wanted to visit the capital and then go to the other main malaysian cities but this plan was soon changed.

Once I arrived in my guesthouse I started to chat with a man and I supposed he was the manager when he started to complain about his staff telling me he needed smart and fresh people to replace the ones he had just fired.

This is how, after 2 hours I was in Malaysia, I was hired as the receptionist of

this guesthouse.

It was a new experience for me and initially I was quite excited but in my shift not so many guests cheked in or out then soon the boredome pushed me to be more dumb than what I am usually:

Apart from the job, I was also lucky to be in Kuala Lumpur during the chinese New Year and seeing that the 30% of the malaysian population is chinese, big celebrations where everywhere in the city.

-the year of the goat


La caballa and I

Kuala Lumpur surprised me because I didn`t expected it so developped.

With its numerous skyscrapers and enormous shopping mall scattered all around the city, it reminded me Bangkok but more chilled and quite.

KL is especially famous for the "Petronas Tower", the tallest twin tower in the world.

For the first time in my life I saw a public pool moreover just beside the "Petronas Tower".

When it`s too hot, taking a shower under the rain could be the best choice.

The molt of Kuala Lumpur:

I particularly love this picture becuase it shows, in a clear way, the inexorable transformation of city the more and more westernized.


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