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I think I craved this moment so much that the last few stops I have done were a little bit spoiled, but the reason I was looking forward to reach Australia was that Federico aka "ZAZZA", was waiting for me to start a wild road trip around the country with a van!!!!!

He is more than a friend for me (in a heterosexual way) and after all these months far from people I really know and love, joining him made me feel less far from home.

After an appropriate welcoming night in Gold Coast where Zazza used to work before he quit everything for this adventure, we headed for Brisbane where our "floral" van was, ready to rock the street.

First stop: BYRON BAY!

This hippie city is very famous among backpackers and surfers, however, except for interesting encounters with people who live in the forest, it was quite boring for us and we kept going down south.

It`s not the most masculine van but as long as it will work until the end it`s going to be perfect.

CAPE BYRON LIGHTHOUSE: the most powerful lighthouse in Australia as well as the most eastern point on the mainland.

Quick stop in BALINA because we absolutely couldn`t miss the giant prawn

"Zompicchiatti&Bertuccio`s Restaurant", here you can taste the speciality of the house: spaghetti and tuna with a beautiful view of the dark forest, relaxing while listening to the scariest noises ever.


No picture of the town because our phones were dead, except for a couple of pieces of evidence of our attempt to cook "spaghetti alle vongole" with random clams we found on the shore.

Result: a complete failure as you can see from the Zazza`s face

The picture is quite dark but he was almost throwing up because the spaghetti was full of sand.

Let`s say "al dente"!

Hike on the Coffs Harbour hills

The next stop was PORT MAQUAIRE but we never reached it because we got lost somewhere in the darkness almost without more gas.

There comes a time when you have to park in the middle of the forest to sleep, outside was very hot and we had to choose either to leave the windows of the van open and breathe or seal them closed them so all the species of bugs couldn't get in...

We chose to breathe but we completely underestimated the bugs....

....that night we didn`t breathe....


No pictures but the city was pretty and the only night we stayed we had fun...


Everything was ready for a triumphant entrance in to Sydney with our super flower fashion van (while someone nourish the trees) but we didn`t know yet that that night was "Mardi Gras", the most famous gay pride parade. Now look at the van once again and imagine driving it through the city...

Opera House

The Opera House is the universal symbol of Sydney, however, although I loved the design, its white tiles reminded me of a huge toilet (sorry Jorn Utzon).

In Sydney camping downtown was impossible or even parking our wonderful van, but after days of struggling I was "adopted" together with Zazza by his parents who were also doing the tour of Australia with a camper.

Here we are, just parked outiside the camping park where the "Zompicchiatti senior" were staying.

Ours was a low budget trip so we sneaked inside the camping ground during the night to take a warm shower.

Finally thanks to them we ate something different from spagetti and tuna or chinese noodles. Every dinner we were treated us with tasty food and lots of fun. These great people are really living life to the fullest, something I hope to be doing when i'm their age.

It was a pleasure to have met you guys. Dad prepare a bottle of our oil, they deserve it! ;)

Here I met my big friend Michelangelo! He moved to Australia to live his life with courage and no regrets. Go on Mitch, find your way, good luck!

Sydney became the meeting place for italians because here I also met my super aunt and my super cousin who live in Sydney; we spent a very good time together! Thank you girls.

WAAAAAAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around Sydney

Same subject from different angles and time

I am ashamed to say it but this was our daily meal:

Domino`s guys...Domino`s! The real defeat for an italian


Simply amazing!

Camberra, the capital of Australia, was our next stop. There is absolutely nothing to visit but I oblidged Zazza to follow me because I thought we couldn`t miss the capital. If you are around and your friend insists that you go, don`t follow him!

After Camberra we drove the "Heritage road" , a desolate and deserted way where we stopped in some town along the way like: Wagga Wagga, Hay and Mildura.

Unluckily this road is famous for dead kangaroos too. We have seen so many lying on the side of the road but one took our attention.

That`s not rain but many insects who wanted to stay with us on the way. Sweet!

Clean view of nothing

Pit stop

Sometimes we had the chance to see kangaroos and wallabees alive.

....and tonight new menu: SPAGHETTI AND TUNA!!!!

Back to the road calling for a horn

Finally we reached ADELAIDE, where we met other human beings after many days.

Lost in traslation

4 pigs and the litter bin

After "the giant prawn" we must see "the giant lobster" in KINGSTON SE


After this magnificent exemple of modern art we drove through MOUNT GAMBIER where we had the chance to see many wild animals and wonderful landscapes.

Have a second look, there is a koala on the tree


Super super super excited because we are starting the "GREAT OCEAN ROAD", one of the most spectacular roads in the world.

I love those pictures. It was amazing watching the rough ocean from the cliff


The alluring team

"The last supper"

After almost one month on the road, we ended up in Melbourne where we had to return our beloved van.

It was one of the best experience of my life, one of those thing you will tell to your children when you`ll get old and this is why i want to dedicate this short video to ZAZZA, a rare, real friend.


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