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Once we dropped off the van, Zazza found his new apartment in 10 minutes, ready to take over Melbourne.

I was blessed because my companion travel "Marin the Pharaoh", met in Lao, hosted me. I really have to thank him because he treated me better than what I could even imagine, understanding my needs and letting me feel always comfortable.

Thank you very much Marin

Zazza's apartment was just few minutes from the famous "Crown Casino".

My buddy and I went to have a look. I think I never gambled in my life because knowing me it could be dangerous. That night too, we just wanted to watch, but once we entered everything pushed us to gamble.

Randomly we ended up in front of a desk where they gave us 10 dollars to play.

We started gambling cents at the slot machines winning 20$ and then we move to the more charming "roulette" betting only on the "red". BOOOOOOM 50$ for the boys! The perfect amount to pay a taxi and the entrance at the club, we didn't want anything more. The next days we came back of course, we lost everything and we won everything again! I won't never forget how we jumped and screamed of joy when we won; everyone was looking at us wondering how many thousands we won, but it was just 20$....

Around Melbourne

City Circle



..And when you loose the last train, there is always the floor of Zazza's room.

Our Easter night: playing table tennis until the sunrise

Melbourne sky view



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